Saturday, August 7

beyond tired

to the tune of: Endless Column by Blue Man Group

It's funny how after staying up for 24 straight hours you really don't care about sleep. Of course, had you cared that much to begin with you'd have trotted straight off to bed before your transport turned into a pumpkin.

Yes, we just got back from The Game, that beloved Stanford tradition of all-night clue-cracking road rallying madness. Despite the fact that this Game's clues were a bit amateurish in design, we still had fun. I discovered some lesser-frequented but still famous landmarks like the South San Francisco hillside sign and the ridiculously large bust of Junipero Serra. There's something oddly fun about traipsing across hilly brush or climbing around rocky crags by the shore in darkness and fog. Other highlights:

  • Aria and Guy having a random stranger urinating on a trash can threaten to "smash their fa****y a**es"
  • Nearly rear-ending a car that had parked on the side of a windy hill in pitch blackness and thick fog for the romantic effect of a completely obscured makeout spot
  • Discovering that Chinese "chicken flavored biscuits", like many "chicken-flavored" foods, are to be avoided
  • Freaking out the bored Pixar security guard at 4 AM

    When it came time for the penultimate clue, we realized that none of us knew where exactly El Palo Alto, the literal "big stick" was. We knew the general area and so we figured that Palo Altans who lived within walking distance of it should at least know where their town's famous namesake tree is. But no, we asked three separate women where it was and got these responses:
  • Woman 1: Hmm, I don't know, I just moved here. I think it's over there [points in opposite direction of El Palo Alto[
  • Woman 2: Well, it's not really a park. You sure you want to go there?
  • Woman 3: You don't know where it is?

    Maybe we just looked like rowdy hooligans ready to burn down The Big Stick...

    As much as my mind doesn't want to admit it, it may be time for a nap before I collapse.
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