to the tune of: Your Name Never Gone by Chemistry
I suppose it's worth mentioning how I spent that day. Lots of fountain hopping, since it turns out black robes aren't so good in the heat. Our Wacky Walk was dance, naturally; we staked out a circle on the field and just started dancing. Needless to say the robes started coming off immediately. Before long we were a landmark, and grads on cell phones were telling parents they were next to us.
I could have gone to the CS ceremony, but then 2.5 hours in the heat (no shade) in black didn't sound fun. So I went to the much shorter English ceremony to watch a few friends graduate and proceeded to mooch food off the English, Asian Studies, and CS department luncheons in turn. Ah, yes, thinking like a grad student already...
We made this cool time-lapse animation (350K) of our living room that night.
And now we have a grill...mmm... grilling... anyone have any ideas for cookouts?
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