Tuesday, October 21

CS around the clock

Sigh. I got up at 8, went to CS class #1, went to work on a problem set for CS class #2, went to class #2, went to lunch (at Tressider, mind you), went to class #3, napped for 20 minutes in the Gates library, worked some more on class #2's problem set, went to office hours for class #2, then went to Monday Meeting for the CS class I'm course helping, then went to grade for class #2, then came back to work with a study group on said problem set for class #2. I think I spent 9 hours in Gates today. I feel so dirty...

Grading problem sets, let me tell you, is a singularly annoying experience mitigated only by the fact that a) I was getting paid, b) I was getting food, and c) we were joking around the whole time. Key insight: If you expect sympathy on a pset, you're not going to get it by writing pages and pages of indecipherable cursive. In fact, if you want to be appreciated as an engineer, forget cursive altogether. Please. The sooner, the better. On the flipside, just because you went to the trouble to typeset it in LaTeX (a cryptic tool used by profs to do all those equations in psets and exams in that ugly font), or printed out a stylish cover page for this 3-page opus, doesn't make you right either.

So right now, it's only fitting that I be amused by things like this: How NOT to install computer hardware

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