Saturday, April 3


I was fumbling with a box of Pop-Tarts this morning and noticed it had system requirements printed on the side, right above the nutrition facts. I was wondering why you'd need a 700 MHz processor to eat these Pop-Tarts when I found the CD. Yes, my Pop-Tarts came with a video game. Somehow not surprising given that in the past you could get the sum of human knowledge free with a $2 pack of Kraft cheese as a Grolier encyclopedia on CD-ROM.

I finally went to my first Friday Night Waltz last night. The first thing I noticed: space. So much of it. Enough for redowas and all sorts of funky variations. It was beautiful. Almost as much fun as Jammix. While the leads were reportedly better than the average Jammix, I found the follows not so good. This made the cross-step mixer, usually my favorite part of the night, unusually painful. Still, the highlights were fumbling through the Bohemian National Polka and the Congress of Vienna. The most bizarre waltz award goes to the so-called American waltz that seemed to be a version of "Close Every Door" from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Joseph. It was perhaps better that it left out the lyrics, which include such upbeat lines as "Darken my daytime and torture my night / If my life were important, I would ask, 'Will I live or die?'"

There was a definite proliferation of Gmail T-shirts, making me wonder if Google coordinates Wear Our Ads days.

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