Wednesday, September 29

aki ni nattara tsukimi

to the tune of: Forget December by Something Corporate

The first week of the quarter isn't even half over and it's already looking...intense. Observe:

Sunday: My first office hours, during which I sat around outside for half the time and everyone conspired to show up in the last half hour. But... I got to go see Rent with the SCTI people. It was a fun show, even if it wasn't quite Andrew Lloyd Webber or Rogers & Hammerstein. Maybe I'm a traditionalist. But the rock music allowed for some powerful vocals. Plus there was plenty of random fun: perhaps inspired by The Vagina Monologues, at one point an actress implored the audience to moo loudly...

Monday: Such a loong day. Left my lunch at home, but fortunately Dave was going into Gates later that day and could bring it by my office. I had planned (and announced) not to have office hours from 12-1 so I could regroup (as much as one can regroup by himself), But my officemate still had office hours through the hour, so he left the door open. Naturally someone was still talking to me at noon, which meant someone else came in after him, and someone else came after her and saw me still talking, and so on until it was 12:50 before people left me alone for a lunch break.

Which was nice, except I had no lunch, since Dave neglected to bring it in. Can't fault the man too much, seeing as how I made the same mistake that morning. But I was still expecting him to bring it at 1 so I didn't rush out to buy any food. Which, it turned out, was a mistake, since I didn't have a free minute again till 2:45 to duck out and grab lunch.

Office hours finally ended and I finally got out of Gates at 5, to go back and get ready for my RCC housecalls. There was a burrito dinner in The Hood (so named because <sarcasm>our apartment is clearly in the most ghetto part of Stanford housing</sarcasm>). Of course, grad students are drawn to free food like flies to a bug zapper, only without the subsequent bzzt!, so a bunch of them crashed our party and rendered my burrito meatless.

No matter, since I had three hours of inoculation ahead of me in housecalls. I had one apartment where I was fluttering between three rooms of residents who never heeded our warnings to update their computers. But... I came home and busted out the 6-lb box of cookie dough for some warm chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm...cookies... so all was good.

Tuesday: Straggled into cs229 with the rest of my apartment, and didn't notice a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in the middle of class. cs376 handed out a 1 1/2" thick binder as a course reader. And actually checks that you did the reading. By 1 o'clock I've committed myself to two research projects already. Not a good sign...

Went on a (course) shopping spree all day long, with a short break to go fight with the registrar about my grad status so I could get my tuition covered. It was sad: I was told I had to make an appointment with the Great and Wonderful Czar of Graduate Status, but as we looked at her schedule and mine couldn't find a time we could meet within the next two weeks.

Autumn moonWith this Full Moon not being on the Quad, this left the evening for the observance of the Japanese tsukimi (moon viewing) at Christine's place. We didn't exactly view the moon, but I saw it on the way out and, hey, it looked cool. Cooler than this picture shows...

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